28 May

VA is for lovers

Hey friends and family,

Brittany and I would love to take a moment and let you know about a journey we are beginning to step into. A few months ago I was asked to come fill in leading worship for a church in the city of Fredericksburg, Virginia. I love these type opportunities as they always allow me to grow and be stretched. So that weekend came and there was something I experienced that forced me to want to get to know this church on a deeper level. Something just sparked. Brittany saw it all over my face. We quickly sensed God was doing something.

After a lot of prayer, wise counsel, and getting to know this community more, Britt and I quickly realized God had been tugging on our hearts because he was calling us to be a part of what he is doing there at Lifepoint Church. Lifepoint, much like Seacoast, is a multi-site church seeking after the lost and helping them to see the hope we have in Jesus.  

It’s absolutely bittersweet. With change comes sacrifice. We don’t want to leave our Seacoast family, and we definitely don’t want to move further away from Britt and I’s families in Atlanta but we know 100% that God is calling us to be a part of what he is doing at Lifepoint Church. This confirmation makes these “sacrifices” easier on our hearts. I love in Matthew chapter 19, Jesus says “ And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.”

I am reminded that the Lord rewards those who listen to his voice and pursue their calling. Sometimes that looks like moving further away from those you love. 

We have been so incredibly blessed by Seacoast Church and everyone who has been a part of our lives over the past 8 years. Without them, I wouldn’t be here today living my dreams, fufilling God’s calling on my life, and have a drop dead gorgeous wife to do life with. Brittany and I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has poured into us over the years. We are taking what we have learned here with us with hopes to apply it there and ultimately impact the kingdom.

Lastly, please be praying for us as we step into new roles in a new area. If you would like more information on the church, you can visit

Also feel free to contact me at  


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